Friday 4 March 2016

Try our 10 Minute Abdominal Warrior Workout! Guaranteed to give you abs after 4 weeks in only 10 minute sessions

Friday 5 February 2016

Fish oils Vs. HerbalifeLine Experiment

Herbalifeline Omega-3- gel capsules
vs “over the counter fish oils supplements”…
Must watch!

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How to Make Your Butt Smaller

Having a smaller, well-toned butt is the desire of many women and men too. Your butt majorly comprises of muscles and there are three to be precise. These are known as gluteal muscles and the major muscle in the butt happens to be the gluteal maximus which is actually one of the strongest muscles. There are also the gluteus medius and minimus and these three muscles are covered by adipose tissue also known as subcutaneous fat. The amount of fat you have in your butt is largely dictated by your lifestyle and genetics.

Exercises to Make Your Butt Smaller

Just like any other part of the body, making your butt smaller will require breaking some sweat. Exercises that work to reduce your overall fat percentage are encouraged and these also have to be the kind of exercises that do not increase muscle mass. With the right weight training and cardio exercises, you can tone your thighs, hips and most importantly glutes.
Below we give you some of the best butt reduction exercises and these include:

1. Lunges

 Lunges can be a challenging exercise but are quite rewarding. This is because they work multiple muscles around the glutes, hamstrings, calves and quads. There are various lunges exercises you can work on and these include: low lunges, sliding lunges, static lunges, wheel lunges and others.

2. Squats

 Squats are a popular exercise and these are amongst the best exercises for your butt, hips and thighs. They also work out multiple muscles and are quite functional when it comes to building strength.

3. Hip Extensions

 Hip extensions mainly work on the gluteus maximus which is responsible for your butt’s round shape. This therefore makes this exercise quite effective. It is vital that you mix this exercise up with others as you need to tone the surrounding hip and thigh muscles as well.

4. Step Ups

 Like the hip extensions, these are fantastic exercises for butt reduction and this is because they mainly exercise the glutes. The trick behind doing successful step up exercises is ensuring that the step is high enough. Your knee should elevate to about 90 degrees.

5. One-Legged Dead Lifts

 These are great exercises for your muscles because they exercise the butt, lower back and hamstrings as well. One-legged dead lifts maintain a well-balanced body as they work on the stabilizer muscles. However, this is not the kind of exercise you want to do if you have back problems as it can be intensive.

6. Cycling

 If you are not much of a gym person, you might want to consider cycling. This is not only great for your heart but also works out almost all the muscles in your body including your butt, hips and thighs. Regular cycling is a great all round exercise and you can make it work to your advantage by standing on the bike while riding to really intensify the glute workout.

7. Hiking

 Hiking is another great exercise that can help reduce your butt and this is a major calorie burner. Hiking is all about walking at an incline and though it can be intensive, it is easy going. Hiking requires a lot of energy and highly involves your glutes.

8. Running

 Running is not only a great stress reliever but also does a great job of reducing weight. You can seriously work your butt off if you run up a hill or sprint as this intensifies the workout.

9. Walking

 Not many people have the enthusiasm to run and walking presents a great alternative. You don’t need to be fit to walk and this is more of a lifestyle choice. Now when it comes to walking, you might want to make it less easy by intensifying the walk with uphill walks or simply pick up the pace. This helps burn more calories and ultimately reduces your body fat.

10. Kickboxing

 Last but not least we have kickboxing which is a great body workout. The exercise works out the entire body especially your butt, thighs, hips and abs.

Proper Diet to Make Your Butt Smaller

The reason why the butt is so difficult for many to reduce is because as we mentioned it’s one of the main fat storage areas in the body. A proper diet can therefore help you lose weight and consequently reduce your butt. You need to:

1. Eat Right

 The first thing you need to do is eat right and this means a healthy diet. Unburned calories are stored as fat and these are often deposited in the butt and thigh areas. If you are looking to reduce your butt size, you need to eat fewer calories. Leafy greens and lean proteins are great and these are also filling as opposed to rice, potatoes and pastas which are carbohydrates. As a general rule, try and reduce the carbs you consume after lunch and have more nutritious snacks.

2. Increase your Metabolism

Increasing your metabolism is great and this is because your body is able to burn up the calories you consume more effectively. Adding spice to meals helps a great deal as well as drinking water. Green tea, broccoli, low-fat yogurt and fish oils help boost your metabolism. Remember that exercise is one of the best metabolism boosters and you need to accommodate resistance exercises and cardio-workouts as well.

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How a few small diet changes can add up to big results by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, FAND

Making a few small dietary changes every month can add up to big results. Taken together, this month’s suggested changes could save you enough calories to drop nearly 25lbs / 11kgs in a year !
You might have heard that it takes only a few weeks to establish a new eating habit – which would suggest that those diet and lifestyle resolutions you made at the beginning of the year should have taken hold by now.  But in reality, there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to forming new eating habits – for some, a new habit may well be established after a few weeks, but for others it could take much longer for dietary changes to comfortably settle in.
My guess is that those who take the ‘baby steps’ approach to dietary changes probably do a bit better than those who try to tackle too much at one time.  That’s one reason I suggested at the end of last yearthat you might try making just a few small changes every month throughout the year – rather than taking on a lot of big changes at once.  The idea is simply this: taken together, many small changes over time can lead to big results.  And, since little dietary changes are easier to practice every day, you’ll always be reinforcing those new eating habits for a lifetime.

Did you Stick to New Year’s Resolutions?

If you made diet resolutions in January, how are you doing? Are you sticking with your plans? Or did you try to do too much at once?  Did you just fall right back into your old habits?  Do you even remember what you promised yourself you were going to do?  If you haven’t made the progress you’d hoped you would, there’s a good chance that you either tried to do too much at once, or the changes you tried to make were too drastic.

Making Diet Changes – A Few Small Steps for This Month

Sticking with the idea that “small changes add up to big results”, here are my suggestions for  three small diet changes you might want to try this month.  Taken together, they could add up to some pretty impressive results.

Small Diet Change #1: Leave a few bites of food on your plate.

The practice of leaving a few bites of food on your plate is designed to help you get in touch with your ‘fullness’ signals.  Training yourself to stop eating when you’re comfortably satisfied will help you learn how much food you actually need at a sitting.  One way to do that is to leave a few bites on your plate so you can practice paying attention to your internal signals.  Too often, we rely on an empty plate to tell us we’re finished eating – and by then we may have eaten a lot more than we should.
Big Result #1: It’s been estimated that a single bite of food averages about 25 calories.  Let’s suppose you leave 2 bites of food on your plate at two meals every day.  That’s a daily savings of 100 calories – and in a year’s time, that could add up to a 10lb /4.5kg weight loss.

Small Diet Change #2: Double the veggies and cut the starch.

If most evenings you sit down to a typical meal that consists of a protein, a vegetable and a starch, try making this change just three times a week. Simply omit the starchy portion of your meal – the rice, the noodles, the potato – and double up on your vegetables.
Big Result #2: A portion of cooked rice, noodles or potato has well over 200 calories, while the same amount of cooked vegetables has about 50 calories.  Every time you make this change, you’ll save about 150 calories.  Make this change three times a week for a year, and you’ll save enough calories to lose almost 7lbs / 3kgs.

Small Diet Change #3: Switch from fruit juice to whole fruit

If you’re counting on fruit juices to help meet your recommended daily fruit servings, you could shave quite a few calories if you switch to whole fruit instead.  One problem with fruit juice is that it lacks the filling fiber that you find in whole fruits.  So, a typical glass of fruit juice might contain the equivalent of several pieces of fruit, but it won’t be nearly as filling.  While you may not eat 2 or 3 oranges in a sitting, it’s not difficult to drink the calorie equivalent in glass of orange juice.
Big Result #3: Let’s say you eat a whole orange instead of drinking a 12-ounce (375mL) glass of orange juice in the morning.  Every time you do that, you save about 100 calories (and you’d pick up about 3 grams of fiber, too).  Now suppose you make that swap 5 times a week.  That one little change could save you enough calories to drop 7.5 lbs / 3.4kgs s in a year.
Did you make some small changes in February that are still working for you?  Please share your success!
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3 steps to help you achieve your body composition goals by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA

If weight loss or weight maintenance is one of your goals this year, understanding how to keep a good energy balance, how to burn calories with exercise and how to maintain lean muscle mass during the process may help you to finally achieve your body composition goal.
Many people I meet want to lose body fat, gain lean muscle mass and eventually maintain a healthy body weight. In my opinion, the only way to achieve this is to start with understanding your body and striving to find the best balance for you. We are all individuals with likes and dislikes, so finding your individual balance is the key to long- term success. 
I feel that finding balance is not finding a set formula that you will stick to forever. Instead, it’s about making a commitment to adjusting to your body’s ever changing needs.
Today I want to give you some tips to help you make positive choices that will help to keep your body progressing toward your ultimate desired body composition. Here are my three tips that can help anyone—regardless of their current activity level.

Find balance with your nutrition plan

Controlling your nutrition with calorie intake and the types of foods you eat should be the primary focus of any healthy active lifestyle plan. In addition, exercise should always be part of your long-term body composition strategy because the health benefits associated with exercise are vast and definitely worth the time commitment.
Many people believe that if you’re exercising, you can eat what ever you want. The truth is that it’s very difficult to burn the number of calories found in just one large glass of soda. It’s true that exercise burns calories, but not enough to allow you to eat poorly. My favorite quote is “you can’t out train a bad diet.”
Burning calories with exercise is a pretty simple concept to understand. Calories are in essence your body’s fuel source. The more you move and the harder you work, the more overall fuel you will burn. The number of calories each individual burns varies from person to person and all exercises are not created equal when it comes to calorie burning. Thirty minutes of high intensity exercise will burn more overall calories than 30 minutes of low impact exercise. The mode of exercise you choose and the amount of time you commit to exercise can make a difference in your overall results.
Improving your body composition is not just a numbers game. You can’t just think about calories consumed vs. calories burned because the quality and source of the calories plays an important role. For example, 200 calories consumed by eating sugary fast food has a very different effect on your body than consuming 200 calories from fresh fruits and vegetables. That’s why I always say that finding your balance through both diet and exercise is important to long-term body composition success.

Perform a balanced and well-rounded exercise routine

Exercise is essential for long-term weight management and achieving great body composition results. Performing a balanced routine that challenges you enough to improve, but doesn’t challenge your body to the point of injury is essential. A balanced routine should include stretching, an element of resistance training, and a focus on cardiovascular activities including an activity that helps you to improve your endurance level. You don’t have to combine all of these elements into one fitness session, but each week try to ensure you’ve checked each box. A great starting commitment is 30 minutes of exercise on five days of the week.

Make a mental commitment to becoming the best you can be

I often talk about finding your athlete mentality and believing in your body’s ability to achieve greatness. The majority of our physical actions start out as a thought, so if you keep your thoughts positive, your actions will tend to be positive too!
I understand that changing your thought process into a more positive mindset can be a challenge for many people, especially if they’ve struggled to achieve their ultimate body composition goals in the past. I believe that a change in attitude is a gradual process that involves making small changes that help boost your overall confidence. As your confidence level soars, positivity seems to follow naturally. Set yourself up for success by understanding it takes a nutritional, physical and mental commitment to achieve your goals. Start today and create positive healthy habits both physically and mentally. It makes long-term success more achievable.
I read a quote recently that said “The body achieves what the mind believes.”  It made me get focused on my goals, and I hope reading this today will help you to do the same!
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What is Herbalife?

Interested in nutrition? Herbalife is a leading nutrition and weight management company that has been supporting healthy, active lives since 1980.
Herbalife markets protein shakes, nutritious snacks, vitamins, sports and energy products, and skin and hair care products. Millions of people, many of whom are Herbalife Members or Herbalife Independent Distributors, use and enjoy Herbalife® products to support their fitness, nutrition, and beauty aims.

 The goal of Herbalife has always been to improve the nutritional habits of the world, one person at a time, and to offer people a way to work for themselves while offering great nutritional products. Today, Herbalife Chairman and CEO Michael O. Johnson leads the way. Johnson is a huge proponent of a healthy, active life. With a focus on helping people become the people they want to be, Johnson has a track record of success as a leader. Under his direction, Herbalife sales have tripled since 2004, and the number of Herbalife Members has climbed steadily since his tenure began.
Herbalife promotes quality nutrition as part of a balanced diet. Working with consulting Registered Dietitian, Susan Bowerman, as well as a group of consulting professionals in health and nutrition from around the world, Herbalife continues to highlight the importance of healthy eating and nutrition, exercise, and good personal routines.
Fitness is central to Herbalife’s core belief in a healthy, active life. Former competitive sprinter, Samantha Clayton tirelessly demonstrates how a balanced approach to diet and exercise can help build strength, stamina and flexibility. Samantha also believes that making fitness a critical part of your day supports a positive attitude and increased energy.  Herbalife continues to showcase the power of nutrition in an active life by sponsoring athletes, sports events, and sports teams around the world.
Beauty is an integral part of the Herbalife value proposition. Building confidence in your outward appearance can have a positive overall effect on your wellbeing. Herbalife believes that everyone can look beautiful. Herbalife beauty expert Jacquie Carter teaches how good skincare and a belief in yourself can make each person feel radiant. After all, how you feel about yourself is seen in your expression, your posture and your behavior.
If you’re interested in Herbalife, please reach out to me TODAY and let me be your Personal Herbalife Independent Distributor and Wellness and Nutrition Coach!
Herbalife® products and programs are not available in retail stores. We want every customer to build a quality relationship with an Herbalife Independent Distributor who can focus on his or her individual goals and needs.
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How to deal with stress eating by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, FAND

Stress eating? It’s time to acknowledge & change your behavior. 
Stress eating doesn’t usually take away stress, and often adds pounds. Years ago, one of my patients gave me a refrigerator magnet that said, “’Stressed’ is ‘Desserts’ Spelled Backwards”.
Emotional eating was a big challenge for her – and pretty much any emotion would do. It didn’t really matter if she was feeling sad, lonely, angry or anxious – for each one, she had an edible antidote. The problem was, this emotional eating wasn’t making her feel any better – and it sure wasn’t making it any easier to lose weight. Emotional eating happens to most of us from time to time. Maybe you’ve cheered yourself up with a bowl of ice cream after an unusually tough day, or sneaked a few French fries from your best friend’s plate while recapping a disastrous date. But when emotional eating gets out of hand – when eating is the first and most frequent response to negative thoughts and feelings – it’s time to get a grip.

What is stress eating?

Stress eating – or emotional eating – is pretty much just what it sounds like. It’s when you eat in order to escape whatever bad feelings you’re experiencing, in the hope that food will make you feel better. Sometimes it’s a conscious decision (“my boss really ticked me off today … I deserve a pizza”), but more often it’s just a mindless response to a vague, negative emotion that you can’t quite put your finger on. You may not know what’s bothering you, but you’re pretty sure that food is the one thing that will cure whatever ails you.

Is it emotional or physical hunger?

There are few tell tale signs that can help you distinguish emotional hunger/stress eating from true, physical hunger.
  • Emotional stress eating usually comes on suddenly. You start feeling stressed or tense, and wham! …you’re craving nachos. On the other hand, physical hunger tends to come on gradually. You’re starting to feel hungry, but you can wait to eat – which gives you some time to choose wisely and satisfy that hunger with something that’s good for you.
  • Stress eating usually causes a craving for a food that’s sugary, fatty and high calorie – and often very specific (not simply “chocolate”, but “a slice of triple layer fudge cake from Fred’s Diner on 6th Street”). But when you’re physically hungry, food – in general – sounds good to you. You’re willing to consider several options that will satisfy your physical hunger – which means you’re more likely to make a better choice.
  • Once your physical hunger is satisfied and your stomach is comfortably full, it’s a signal that you’ve had enough, and you tend to stop eating. But when emotions are the driver, it’s easy to ignore what your stomach is telling you – and you wind up eating way too much while attempting to make yourself feel better.
  • Stress eating might lift your mood momentarily – then just as quickly, shame and guilt often move in. Then again, when you finish a meal that’s satisfied your physical hunger, you don’t usually feel guilty afterwards for having eaten.

Tips for dealing with stress eating behaviors

  • Keep a food journal. A food journal can really help you see what triggers your stress eating. Whenever you feel the need to eat, make a note of how hungry you are on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = I’m faint with hunger; 10 = I’m so stuffed I have to loosen my clothing). Then write down how you’re feeling at the moment.  What triggered your need to eat? Are you actually hungry – or are you feeling sad or anxious?
  • Own up to your feelings. You know that emotions are the trigger for your stress eating, so why not acknowledge them? It’s okay to be mad or lonely or bored sometimes. The feelings may be unpleasant, but they’re not dangerous – and you don’t always need to ‘fix’ them. Let your emotions come and go without judging them – they are what they are.
  • Work on your coping skills. Every time you eat in response to stress, it’s just a reminder that you can’t cope with your emotions. When stress strikes, try asking yourself, “what’s the worst thing that will happen if I don’t eat?” Yes, your stress level might rise a bit – but the feeling will pass. If you never let yourself simply experience the stress, you’ll never find out that it’s probably not nearly as bad as you thought it would be. Practice tolerating your emotions, or finding other ways to deal with your stress.
  • Find alternatives to eating. Take a few moments to reflect on your feelings and think of ways you can solve your problem. Make a list of things you can do instead of eating. Take a walk to clear your head, listen to music, meditate, read, or call a friend and talk things over.
  • Unlearn your bad habits. Emotional eaters continually reinforce the idea that the best way to treat negative emotions is with food. And like other bad habits, stress eating happens before you’ve even had a chance to think about it (bad day = five hours of television + one quart of ice cream). So, you need to “un-learn” your bad habits and practice doing something other than eating when a bad day strikes.
  • Wait it out. Stress eaters often are afraid that if they don’t satisfy the urge to eat, the craving will just get worse and worse and worse. But, when they practice delaying tactics, they’re often surprised that the urge simply passes. Rather than immediately giving in to your urges, promise yourself you’ll wait a few minutes. Chances are, you’ll get distracted or busy, and the craving will pass.
Be kind to yourself, and give yourself time to work on your stress eating. If you find that these tactics aren’t working for you, ask your health care provider if counseling or group support might be helpful for you.
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